City of Murray

City Hall
T: 641-447-2522
F: 641-447-2523

420 Maple Street
Murray Iowa, 50174
Tuesday - 6am to 4pm
Wednesday - 6am to 4pm
Thursday - 6am to 4pm
Friday - 6am to 4pm
The City of Murray has spent $1,580,749.60 since 2020 reshaping and improving our roads.
In 2020 the city looked at the cost of asphalting 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, Maple, Troy and 5 blocks of Sherman Street and found that the estimated cost to asphalt those streets was $4,040,000. The decision was made that it would be more cost effective to have Longfellow Foundations Inc hired to add rock, reshape and chipseal those same roads for $882,468.80 instead of asphalting. This road work/maintenance was completed in September 2021.
The city applied for a USDA grant in September 2021 for chip seal maintenance equipment which would allow us to complete our own maintenance on these newly surfaced roads. It took 9 months (June 2022) for the USDA to approve the grant funding which paid for $43,700 of the $75,830 piece of equipment. Due to back orders the DuraPatcher arrived in late October 2022. We were finally able to complete training with the machine the week of September 18, 2023. It was a long process to get to that point but we are excited about the maintenance capabilities of the machine.
In 2022 3M Contracting was hired to add rock and reshape the following roads south of the railroad tracks 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Lyon, Colfax, McClellan at a total cost of $234,406. The plan is to drive on these roads for a year maybe 2 to help pack them and define any problem locations prior to chip sealing.
In 2023 3M Contracting was hired to add rock and reshape the following roads south of the railroad tracks: Dewey, Lincoln, Cone, Grant, and these roads north of the railroad tracks: 6th, 10th, Farragut, Sherman, Lyon Grant and Colfax at a total cost of $463,874.85. We also plan to let these roads be driven on for a few years to help pack them and define any problem location prior to chip sealing.
Now that we have all the roads reshaped, we are working on estimated costs to continue the chip seal program on the roads done in 2022 & 2023. Once we have these costs, we will be able to start putting a solid plan in place but we are estimating that we will have all of the remaining roads chip sealed in 5 to 6 years. We plan to spend a minimum of $65,000 annually chip sealing with the next round of chip seal in the spring of 2024.