City of Murray

City Hall
T: 641-447-2522
F: 641-447-2523

420 Maple Street
Murray Iowa, 50174
Tuesday - 6am to 4pm
Wednesday - 6am to 4pm
Thursday - 6am to 4pm
Friday - 6am to 4pm
Storm Water
In May 2015 the City of Murray was awarded a $10,125 Storm Water Predevelopment and Planning Grant to help fund the use of engineering services to complete a report identifying potential issues with our storm water system. This report was the first step for eligibility for larger grants to address the issues identified.
JEO Consulting Group completed the preliminary engineering report in January 2016. This report identified 5 major areas of concern. The council requested that JEO design plans to address 3 of those needed improvements.
The estimated cost to implement these 3 improvements was $910,000. The City was awarded a $300,000 CDBG grant in July 2016 for the implementation of bioswales along areas on Sherman, 8th & 9th Street. The USDA provided a $610,000 loan with a 1.375% interest rate to fund the rest of the project.
The areas that this large project encompassed are in images 1 & 2.
The City of Murray is actively working on resolutions for the last 2 major areas of concern that were noted by JEO.
3M Contracting was hired by the council in June 2023 to repair the storm water drainage in the area shown in image 3. This area had several sink holes in the ditches as well as it was constantly wet even in drought years.
The area shown in image 4 floods during rain activity and is currently in the planning phase of construction.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3