City of Murray

City Hall
T: 641-447-2522
F: 641-447-2523

420 Maple Street
Murray Iowa, 50174
Tuesday - 6am to 4pm
Wednesday - 6am to 4pm
Thursday - 6am to 4pm
Friday - 6am to 4pm

The Murray Recreation Complex is owned by the City of Murray. This project began in 2015 by a group of individuals from Murray Development and Murray Rec participants. These 2 groups saw a need for a ball complex for our youth as well as a need for housing. Murray Development owned the 11.43 acres behind Casey's and proposed that if their groups were to build a recreation complex on the land they would trade it for the land that the ball fields currently stood on so that Murray Development could build houses. It was determined from the beginning of this project that no tax dollars would be spent, only grants and donations would be used to build the complex and it would be built as funding was allowed. After several thousand dollars had been raised and spent on engineering services the groups turned the project over to the city to lead due to time constraints on the individuals in the groups. We have raised a total of $890,622.36 in grants and donations to date, we have a $50,000 match grant awarded from LWCF to complete field irrigation and sidewalks before 2024, we received our engineers estimate for a concession/restroom facility and are currently completing grant applications for funding.
Murray Rec Complex Concession/Restroom Building - There have been several inquiries/comments about the engineers estimate for the concession/restroom building at the Recreation Complex. As a municipality one of the first things we have to determine is an estimate of cost. This initial estimate of cost helps determine the potential process we will be required to follow per state law when it comes time to actually bid the project. This will also determine the potential extra fees that will be incurred per the state law. When a city constructs or reconstructs a vertical infrastructure public improvement, or uses a contractor to repair or maintain a public improvement, it is required to follow the competitive bidding procedure to procure a contractor to do the work if the estimated cost of the project exceeds $139,000. The initial building was proposed to be 2 stories with concession, restrooms, and storage on the main level and an announcers booth on the 2nd story. The initial engineer's estimate was $350,000 which we scaled back by eliminating the 2nd story announcers booth and the storage area on the main floor to make sure we had the capacity to make the restrooms ADA compliant per state code. This left us with an engineer's estimate of $310,000. This estimate does not mean that is what we will spend on the building but it does tell us the processes we will be required to follow as well as the high level financials we need to know to apply for grants for the structure. We have also been contacting local contractors for estimates but it has been a slow process as many are backed up with work and providing estimates is on the back burner. This project will not go out for bid until the money has been raised to fund the completion of the building.