City of Murray

City Hall
T: 641-447-2522
F: 641-447-2523

420 Maple Street
Murray Iowa, 50174
Tuesday - 6am to 4pm
Wednesday - 6am to 4pm
Thursday - 6am to 4pm
Friday - 6am to 4pm
City Council Meetings
City Council meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6pm at Murray City Hall. Agendas are posted no less than 24 hours in advance of the meeting on the bulletin board outside of city hall.
Spring is upon us and as we look towards the future of Murray, Iowa we will be working hard to put our best foot forward as a community. You can find the city ordinances on this website by clicking the Government tab and selecting ordinances for your review or we can mail them to you upon request. The City is requesting that properties meet the guidelines pursuant to the following ordinances:
Chapter 50 Nuisance Abatement
Chapter 51 Junk & Junk Vehicles
Chapter 52 Weeds & Grass
Chapter 145 Dangerous Buildings
Chapter 150 Building Numbering
Chapter 154 Property Maintenance
Chapter 155 Building Permits
The City of Murray General Clean-up Days will be May 6th, 7th & 8th, and you will have access to the city tree dump for your yard waste.
We will begin the formal nuisance abatement process on May 13, 2025 and it will be strictly enforced. If you have any questions, please call City Hall at 641-447-2522 or email the City Administrator at
Jeff Robbins
Murray, Iowa 50174
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